The grass is greener on the other side – I’ve heard this statement proven and debunked time and again.
When you’re going through hard times, you can readily look back on where you were and where you could have been if you hadn’t made that ‘wrong’ move, or if you hadn’t listened to that person. You think that every single thing that is happening at this moment could have been avoided if only you had been more careful, or if you hadn’t trusted your own instincts so much. Hind-sight is 20-20, and whatever that really means, you will always have that feeling that you could have done better.
But life will be so boring if everything were so perfect. If you never made ‘mistakes’, what experiences will there be to learn from? If you never embarrassed yourself, how will you know what you should avoid next time? If you never failed at something, how will you know what you’re really good at? If you never choked on an attempt, how will you know what your real limits are? If you never got a rejection, how will you find the strength to try again?
It’s all about the daily struggles, survival, failures, stress, emotional distress, heartbreak, celebrations and everything else that make life as unpredictable as it is. If you always knew the outcomes of your activities, what will be the excitement in reaching for new heights? If you could always predict success or failure for every endeavour, what will be the purpose of the adrenaline in your system?
Just let go! Stop trying to predict every outcome. Stop lamenting every ‘wrong’ decision you have made. Of course, you should always aspire to be the best you can be, and when you’ve done that, be at peace with yourself. You can’t always guide the hands of fate; actually you can never guide the hands of fate. The best you can do is the best you can do. The game is not yours to call.
Live life and be happy!
June 22, 2013