
Macalester College Commencement Ceremony

The Generation That Builds: Macalester College 2023

Don’t dream small dreams. Take on big challenges, and do not sit on the fence when the time comes to defend your values. Be aware of your limitations and be thankful for your opportunities. Be firm in your convictions. And even if you are required to stand alone, stand strong. Be prepared to be wrong so that you can enjoy the elation of being right.

Nigerian Education: What Works?

Over the last couple of months, I have found myself having to make repeated analyses of the state of education in Nigeria – focusing mainly on primary and secondary education. Hardly any Nigerian is unaware of the decrepit state of school facilities across the country or the woeful results that are reported every year when senior school students take external… Read More »Nigerian Education: What Works?

Let’s Educate Africa

Many writers and scholars have identified the failure of leadership (political and otherwise) as the greatest challenge facing Africa, but I’ll differ in identifying the lack of qualitative education as Africa’s greatest challenge – and conversely, her greatest opportunity. Politically, leadership has failed time and again, for several reasons – the prevalence of greed among our rulers, the lack of… Read More »Let’s Educate Africa