Boko Haram

Sadly, we always move on

Seven days ago, Nigerians awoke from their laboured slumbers on the cusp of that was supposed to be a celebration of 13 years of substandard democratic progress, but which turned out to be the commencement of seven horrific days of avoidable mishaps.  Not since the beginning of the year when we were slapped in the face by the double onslaughts… Read More »Sadly, we always move on

Somewhere in Nigeria

6:30pm. Saturday May 12, 2012 Twitter. Trends. Nigeria #somewhereinNigeria In one sudden flash, young Nigerians have taken to Twitter like an army of vultures on post-World War II Japan. The last couple of months have witnessed such an influx of opinion makers and shameless attention-seekers to the Twittersphere, that one wouldn’t be surprised if the elderly ones start to challenge… Read More »Somewhere in Nigeria